Galvatron TF4 v1.0+ (BSA Revision) v1.31.x or higher
Mod is based on a truck from “Transformers 4” movie.
– Based on Freightliner Argosy mod. Standalone model
– One cabin
– One chassis
– Own interior
– SCI Steering Wheels DLC included
– ATS Wheel Tuning Pack included
– Advanced Coupling System support
– Trailer cables support
– Volvo dealership
BSA Junk Yard Revision notes:
– ATS full adaptation;
– Fixed: minor fixes;
– Updated: interior camera, chassis collision, sounds (Kriechbaum), some other files;
– Added: absent and necessary files, so-to-say “civil variant” of the truck, accessories (roof grills, beacons, warning flags, front banner), added to companies;
– Revised: lights, coupling system, grill, shadows;
– Changed: sleeper and tanks proportion, chassis parts and details to correspond to those of real Galvatron truck (which is Freightliner Argosy modified for the purpose of the movie), chassis lenght (wheel base became 8 inches shorter);
– Deleted: some useless files.