The Godfather’s Kenworth Trucks Skins Pack v2.6 Mod

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The Godfather’s Kenworth Trucks Skins Pack v2.6 Mod

* The Godfather’s Mods Company brings to you this Kenworth Trucks Paintjob Pack that gives a whole heap of Real Company’s,Real Brands and much more over a whole range of Kenworth Trucks for American Truck Simulator both SCS Trucks & Modded Trucks the list of where to find the modded trucks are listed at the bottom and the list of what skins are in the pack and we will keep updating the pack when we can when new skins are ready to be added This is by far the biggest Kenworth skins pack in ATS So Enjoy..

v1.7 Update (November 23rd 2023)
This Update brings 2 more Kenworth Trucks into the Paintjob Pack with our 1st wave of Paintjobs
for the Kenworth K100 By Overfloater Mod Truck from Steam Workshop & the Kenworth T680 SCS Truck
plus some new Paintjobs for the Kenworth SCS W900 Truck been added also this update makes the pack work
with the 1.49x update to ATS..

v1.8 Update (January 2024)
This Update Brings a heap of new paintjobs also we add our 1st T680 Signature Edition (2022) Paintjobs with 6 Paintjobs added plus our 1st T359 Paintjobs for the pack with 2 paintjobs and the return of the Kenworth K200 Paintjobs with 5 Paintjobs Returning to the Pack and 24 brand new Paintjobs to bring the K200 Paintjobs to a total of 30 plus More paintjobs for other Kenworth Trucks see the list below for whats is new to the pack and Purple Rain Transport T909 Paintjob has been removed as the paintjob has got a new edition with the SWR Trailer’s paintjob pack 5.

v1.9 Update (March 2024)
This Update Brings A Heap of New Paintjobs for the Kenworth K200, T680 Signature Edition, SWR T608 plus our 1st wave of Kenworth T104 Paintjobs and also fixes Bugs and brings the pack up the games Version Number.

v2.0 Update (15th May 2024) 1.50x ATS Update
5Heaps of New Paintjobs with new Paintjobs for the Kenworth K200/T909/W990/K104/T950/LegendSAR & New Kenworth Paintjobs To the Pack 404SAR and the pack has been updated to work with the new 1.50x update to ATS

v2.1 Update (June 25th 2024) works with ATS 1.50x
This Update brings our next wave of new Kenworth Paintjobs with new skins for the T610 GTM,RTA K200,T104,SWR T909,SWR C509,SWR T950,SWR Legend Star,SWR T608 & W990 By Heaven with a total of 41 new Skins..

v2.2 Update (August 25th 2024)
This Update Brings our Next Wave of new Kenworth Trucks Paintjob skins with 40 new skins in total with new skins for the K200 RTA , T610 GTM , K104B , T909 , W900 SCS , C509 , T404SAR , T408 & Legend SAR do note that SWR Customs have just shut down for a while and the trucks still work fine in 1.50x of ATS if u have the trucks then keep them until they no good they still work fine just some shadow and light issues in day but lights work at night.

(Do Note not shore if working with 1.51 Beta as most of the skins in this pack are for Mod Trucks and mod Trucks 99% of the time dont work in betas of ATS/ETS2)

v2.3 Update (September 28th 2024)
This Update Brings all the T909 & T950 Skins over to the T908 RTA Mods Truck so will no longer be doing skins for both them trucks plus this update is for the new ats 1.51x update.

v2.4 Update (October 23rd 2024)
This update brings the return of 20 skins for the Kenworth T909 Mod Truck that are also apart of the T908 RTA Mods Truck range and also brings 10 new skins for the T908 RTA Mods Truck plus 9 new skins for the K200 RTA Mods & Paboy K200 convoy Truck also has been updated to work with 1.52x of ATS but also works on older editions of the sim as well..

v2.5 Update (December 3rd 2024)
This Update brings 20 new skins to the pack in total with 8 new Skins for the K200 RTA , 4 New Skins for the T908 RTA , 4 New skins for the W900 SCS & 3 new skins for the T909 Mod Truck and 1 Skin for the T610 GTM Also the pack has been updated to work with 1.53x of ATS.

v2.6 Update (January 22nd 2025)
This Update is the 1st for 2025 and brings 30 new skins to the pack over a wide range of Kenworth Trucks the list of new skins are listed below under (NEW) For this latest update also our 1st skins for the RTA Mods Kenworth K108 & T609 are in this update..


Kenworth T610 GTM Skins
* AusLink Logistics
* Austral Wire Products (NEW)
* Big Dog Mobile Truck Wash
* Birds Eye
* ColdRex
* Macheda Transport
* Mandrix Transport
* Monaro Fuel Haulage (NEW)
* Peters Ice Cream
* Phoenix Transport
* Schumans Transport
* Walker Texas Ranger

Kenworth T680 Signature Edition (2022) Skins
* Brisbane City Markets
* Cosmc’s
* Farlow Transport Brisbane
* Four N Twenty
* Gilders Transport & Logistics (White Paintjob)
* Gilders Transport & Logistics (Black Paintjob)
* Infinity Logistics
* Team Global Express

Kenworth T908 RTA Mods Skins
* ABC Transport
* AC DC Highway To Hell
* Aldi Supermarkets
* Ampol Australia
* Annett Transport
* Antique Motors
* Arkansas Made
* Atlas Fuel (NEW)
* ATS Nebraska
* B&K Bulk Haulage
* Ballinger Transport (Green Skin)
* Ballinger Transport (Black Skin)
* Bear Country Transport
* Berthod Transports
* Boardman Sand & Gravel
* Boss Transport North Queensland
* Bunnings Trade
* Bunnings Warehouse (Skin 1)
* Bunnings Warehouse (Skin 2)
* Carters Transport
* Casey’s Transport
* Central West Transport
* Clarke Trucking
* Clints Crazy Bargains
* Coastline Haulage
* Coke Cola : Can’t Beat The Real Thing
* Cold Chisel
* Coles New World
* Coles
* Collins Adelaide (Army Skin)
* Corbet’s Group
* Corner’s Transport
* Cowra Freight
* Crawfords Freightliners
* Dawson’s Haulage
* Dyers Distribution
* Dynes Transport
* Flower Power Garden Centres
* Followmont Transport State Of Origin
* Frasers Livestock Transport
* Frasers Transport (NEW)
* Fread’s Interstate
* Freight World
* Fruithaul
* Gilbert’s Transport Services Pty Ltd
* Hahn Corporation
* Harris Scarfe
* Hellyar Bulk Haulage Pty Ltd
* Horne Ag Logistics
* J.D & Billy Hines Trucking
* JMB Transport
* JMS Transport
* JSDF Logistics Pty Ltd
* Karras Cold Logistics
* Kelly Transport
* Kmart 1962
* Laucke Mills
* Lawarence Transport
* Leonard’s Express
* Main Line Distribution NZ
* Mon Foods
* Morgans Long Distance Transport
* Muscat Haulage
* Native Transport
* New World
* O’Neils Haulage
* Oppermann And Sons Transport
* Plains Transportation
* Porthaul
* R&K Bulk Haulage Breast Cancer Awaewness
* Roadtrans Logistics
* Rocky’s Own Transport Co
* Pearl Energy Transport
* Purple Rain Transport
* S&S Heavy Haulage
* Southern Australian Cattle Company Pty Ltd
* Sadleirs Logistics
* Sandfords Rural Carriers
* Shaw’s Darwin Transport
* Sinclair Oil Corporation
* Slade Refrigerated Transport
* Snaith Transport
* T&D Transport
* Target Australia
* Texas Cattle Company
* The Pink Panther
* TKL Logistics
* Toll
* Tom & Jerry
* Tom & Jerry 2024
* Traianon Transport
* Trappers Transport LTD
* Tumbleweed
* US Sand & Gravel
* VP Racing Fuels
* Wangaratta Toil & Soil Garden Supplies
* WB Hunter Hardware
* Western Container Services
* Western Landscape Supplies
* Westfarmers
* Wonka Bar
* Wymap Group

Kenworth K108 RTA Mods Skins
* Australian Freight Transport (NEW)
* Central Coast Logistics (NEW)
* Combined Haulage (NEW)
* Edwards Transport (NEW)
* Landbridge Transport (NEW)
* New Tech Refrigerated Logistics (NEW)
* Pickering Transport Group (NEW)
* SB Transport (NEW)
* Tamex Transport (NEW)
* Toll Group Red (NEW)
* Triton Fleet (NEW)

Kenworth K200 RTA Mods & Paboy Edition Skins
* 7Eleven
* 7up
* Abletts Transport Canberra (NEW)
* Aldi Supermarkets (Fruit)
* Anzac Day 2024
* Arnott’s Tim Tam
* B&S Transport
* Banquet
* Bascik Transport
* Big Creek Stables
* Bobbins Transport Pty Ltd
* Browns Sawdust & Shavings
* C-K-C Haulage Pty Ltd
* Carrier Transicold
* Carter Heavy Haulage & Transport 10 Years Special Edition
* CC’s Corn Chips
* Chemist Warehouse
* Coke Cola Can’t Beat The Real Thing
* Cold Express Refrigerated Transport
* Coles New World
* Cope Freight
* Dean Wilson Transport
* Dennis Transport
* Derry Refrigerated Transport
* Don Watson Transport & Coldstores
* Doolan’s Heavy Haulage
* Drake
* DRT Logistics
* Earl Macdonald Transport LTD
* Earle’s Transport
* Elite Sand & Soil
* Emmerson Transport Limited (2 Types of Skins)
* ERH Refrigerated Transport
* Fanta Berry
* Farmers
* FarmRich
* FBT Transwest
* Fine Form Transport
* Firestone
* Focus On Furniture & Bedding (NEW)
* Fosseys
* Franklins Big Fresh
* Freds Freighters
* Freeze X Refrigerated Transport
* Freight Haulage Limited
* Fuel Distributors Of Western Australia Pty Ltd
* G&D Richards Grafton
* GKR Transport
* Gold Springs Heavy Haulage
* Golding Transport
* Graymore Couriers Brisbane
* Great Northern Brewing Co
* Green Giant
* Happy Gilmore (NEW)
* Hawthorne Transport Gundagai
* Heywood Transport Adelaide
* Hi Haul Transport (NEW)
* Hilton Haulage (NEW)
* Inverell Freighters
* J&L Transport & Storage
* Jacka Bros Transport
* Jewel Food Stores
* Jim Beam
* Jimmy Dean
* JMT Transport Queensland
* JSDF Logistics Pty Ltd
* Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 100 Years Special Edition
* Kellogg’s Eggo
* JTS Country Express
* Kodak
* Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
* Kurt Rouse Transport
* Lay’s
* Leocata’s Transport
* Lift Soft Drinks
* Linfox (2 Types of Skins)
* Lynden Logistics
* Lyons Transport
* Main Line Distribution NZ
* Mainfreight
* Maranoa Haulage
* McCain Foods
* McColl’s
* McCutcheon Livestock Transport (NEW)
* McNaughts
* Metro Express
* Metro Petroleum
* Mike And Ike Brand
* Mike Basmusen Trucking
* Milin Transport
* Minex Transport
* Mobil 1
* Morris Transport
* Mountain Dew Code Red
* Multiquip Transport
* New Tech Logistics
* Newway Logistics
* NLA Trucking Melbourne
* Northline (2 Skins)
* O’Neal Transport
* Ozway Logistics
* Patons Transport
* Pony Express
* Purple Rain Transport
* Rebel Sport
* Red Bull
* Refrigerated Roadways
* Refrigerated Transport Partners
* Rentco Transport
* Robertson’s Landscape & Haulage Yass
* Rocky Lamattina & Sons Pty LTD
* Rocky’s Own Transport Co
* Rutter’s
* S Sali & Sons Pty Ltd
* Scott’s Refrigerated Logistics
* Smillie’s Group
* SNR Logistics
* Sorbent Toilet Paper
* SRH Milk Haulage
* SRV Road Services Freight Black Listed
* Sturnela Adelaide
* Super Cheap Auto
* Symons Clark Logistics
* Tanami Transport
* Tasman Machinery Transporters
* Team Global Express
* The Black Stump Restaurants
* Tip Top Australia
* TJS Country Express
* Tripodi Transport
* Valentines Day Micky & Minnie
* Victoria Bitter
* Western Suburbs Sydney Concrete
* Wettenhalls
* Wickham Freight Lines
* Wickhams
* Winston Express Haulage
* Wizz Fizz
* Woolworths
* Woolworths Variety
* Yoplait

Kenworth T909 Skins
* ABC Transport
* AC DC Highway To Hell
* Aldi Supermarkets
* Ampol Australia
* Annett Transport
* Antique Motors
* Arkansas Made
* Atlas Fuel
* ATS Nebraska
* B&K Bulk Haulage
* Ballinger Transport (Green Skin)
* Ballinger Transport (Black Skin)
* Bear Country Transport
* Berthod Transports
* Boardman Sand & Gravel
* Boss Transport North Queensland
* Bunnings Trade
* Bunnings Warehouse (Skin 1)
* Bunnings Warehouse (Skin 2)
* Frasers Transport (NEW)
* Gilbert’s Transport Services Pty Ltd
* IGA Supermarkets (NEW)
* Kalfresh (NEW)
* Simpsons Fuel (NEW)
* Snaith Transport
* Tom & Jerry 2024 (NEW)

Kenworth K104 Skins
* Aldi Supermarkets
* B.E. Campbell PTY LTD
* BBC Hardware
* BBC Hardwarehouse
* Bi-Lo Supermarkets Australia
* BRC Brisbane Refrigerated Couriers & Distribution
* Central Coast Logistics Queensland
* Cockerill Transport (NEW)
* Cottee’s Cordial
* Fragile Removals & Storage
* Guru Hundal Freightlines
* Hicks Transport Group
* Home Timber & Hardware
* Lamar Advertising Company
* M&J Chickens
* Mother Energy Drink
* N&D Eden Transport
* Nebraska Coast Inc
* Parry Logistics
* Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
* SFD Food Services
* Sterling Transportation
* T.J Clark & Sons Pty Ltd
* TRSS Refrigerated Transport
* Virginia Farms Produce
* Walgreens
* Walker Foundation Inc
* Woody Woodpecker (2 Paintjobs White & Blue)

Kenworth T609 RTA Skins (NEW)
* Newman Transport (NEW)

Kenworth 404st Skins
* Big W 1990s
* Costco Gasoline
* D.A. Campbell Transport Bathurst
* McCain Frozen Foods
* Tasmanian Heavy Haulage

Kenworth 404SAR Skins
* Trans Australian Freight Management
* Klos Bros Interstate Transport (4 Paintjobs Bundle)
* Mount Isa Pets & Produce

Kenworth T408 Skins
* Casey Sand & Soil
* Inland Petroleum

Kenworth T359 Skins
* Thins Light & Tangy
* Thins Original

Kenworth SCS T680 Skins
* Always Coke Cola
* Best & Less 90s
* Big W 1980s
* Big W 1990s
* Central Oregon Truck Company
* Chep
* Codys Original Roadhouse
* Coles
* Coles New World
* Colonial 1
* Colonial Freightlines
* Cripple Creek Colorado
* David Jones
* Haleon
* Hogan’s Heavy Haulage
* O’Rileys Transport
* Pepsi Max
* Riverside Transport INC Kansas City USA
* Woolworths
* Woolworths 90s

Kenworth K100 By Overfloater Skins
* All Aboard Seafoods
* Big W 1980s
* Big W 1990s
* Bros Transportation
* Burger King
* California Manufacturing
* Coles
* Coles New World
* Colonial Freightlines
* David Jones
* Dawson’s Removals
* Express Logistics
* Franklins No Frills
* Harris Farm Markets
* JBT Transport
* K&J Logistics Inc
* K&S Transport
* Kmart Racing
* OMNI Transportation
* SB Transport (NEW)
* Stater Bros Markets
* Sweetee
* Target
* Wallmart
* Wilson Logistics
* WinCo Foods
* Woolworths
* Yendalls Transport

Kenworth C509 Skins
* Arnott’s Biscuits
* BH Transfer
* Franklins No Frills
* Hall’s Cold Chain Logistics
* Harder Transport
* J&K Bloomfield
* KR & MA Mcardle & Sons
* MFT Haulage
* Mitchell & Co Earthmoving
* MT ISA Carriers
* Paton’s Transport
* Tasty Toobs Chips

Kenworth legend Star Skins
* Aussie Transport
* Castrol
* Concept Logistics
* Cottee’s Cordial
* Fast Trac Freight Services Inc
* Foodland IGA South Australia

Kenworth T659 Skins
* Paragalli Haulage
* Sunset Logistics
* TFM Xpress (NEW)
* Tony Innaimo Transport

Kenworth W900 86inch Studio Sleeper Skins
* 2023 Happy Halloween Lightin The Highwayz
* A&J Transportation Inc
* Affiliated Foods Inc
* Aldi Supermarkets Good Different
* Allied Moving Services
* Alushi Trans International Transport
* ATM Transport
* ATS Kansas Paintjob
* ATS Oklahoma Paintjob
* Austrian Logistics
* Autozone
* BagTrans
* Barbeques Galore
* Bartrams Road Transport Bendigo
* Bison
* Blue Diamond Trucking Inc
* Boss Transport North Queensland
* Bunnings Warehouse
* Cadbury Caramello Koala
* Camtrans Albury
* Churchill Transport Holbrook
* Coke Cola Can’t Beat The Feeling
* Coke Cola Coke Is It Era
* Cold Chisel
* Coles
* Collins Adelaide
* Coors Beer
* Cowra Freight
* CSR Gyprock
* D & S Smith Haulage Pty Ltd
* D.F. & D.L. Drain Transport
* Daves Marketplace
* David Jones
* Drac Logistics
* Dunkin Donuts
* Dyers Distribution
* Fanta
* FBT Transwest
* Followmont Transport
* Food Lion
* Freedom Furniture
* Freight Market Wednesday’s Neon City Paintjob
* Fry’s Electronics
* Gilbert’s Transport Services
* Grace Bros
* Greenfreight
* Harris Scarfe
* HB Transport
* Hume Transport
* ICEE Frozen Drinks
* It International Trans 06
* Jroads Garage
* Kentucky Fried Chicken
* Kmart
* Laucke Mills
* Little Mfg INC
* Macy’s
* Mark Logistics
* McCain
* McDonald’s
* Miller Lite
* Monaro Freight
* Morris Bulk Haulage Bathurst
* Murrell Freight Lines
* Myer
* Nestle Kit Kat
* Nolan’s Interstate Transport (Army Green Paintjob)
* Nolan’s Interstate Transport (White Paintjob)
* North American Bluk Transport
* Nuriootpa Traders
* Oz Wide Freight
* Red Bull
* Red Bull Rampage
* Sam’s Club
* Scott’s Of Mt Gambier
* Target
* The Godfather’s ATS Freight Market Paintjob
* The Phantom
* Thompsons Livestock Transport
* Tipping’s Transport
* Toot N Totum (Red Paintjob)
* Toot N Totum (White Paintjob)
* Toyworld
* Triple M Fm Rock Radio Australia
* Twisties
* Valvoline
* W.M. Dewey & Son Inc Trucking
* Waltons
* Wendy’s USA
* Westfield Miranda 1992 Diamond Era
* Willey Trucking
* Wincanton
* Winkler Trucking
* Woolworths 90s
* XXXX Beer Australia
* Yamato Transport USA
* Zurich Transport LLC

Kenworth W990 Skins
* Apple Computer 1980s Era
* Arby’s
* Battle Of The 80s Super Cars
* Bunnings Warehouse
* Chupa Chups 1970s Era
* Coke Cola Space Girl
* Coke Cola Art
* Cub Foods
* Digiorno
* Don Watson Transport & Coldstores
* Fanta Enjoy Era 1970s/1980s
* H.E.B. Supermarkets Texas
* Highway 18 Services
* Hog Haulage LTD
* Kirks Originals
* KT Transport
* Mcdonald’s Oklahoma City
* Nintendo Power Glove
* Pizza Hut The Big New Yorker
* Ron Finemore Transport
* Route 66 Oklahoma
* Taco Bell
* Amart Furniture
* Auswide Transport
* BagTrans
* Bartrams Road Transport Bendigo
* Bishop’s Transport
* Caterpiller
* Crown Lager
* Fantastic Furniture
* Great Northern Brewing Co
* Harris Refrigerated Logistics
* Jim Beam
* Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
* Lee’s Transport
* Mountain Dew
* Target Australia
* Weakley Watson Hardware Texas
* Woolworths 90s

Kenworth T608 Skins
* Blenners Transport
* Cadbury Dairy Milk
* Def Leppard
* Harvey Norman
* IGA Supermarkets
* Liquorland
* Mcdonald’s
* Rural Transport LTZ New Zealand
* Sands Fridge Lines
* Twisties

Outlaw’s W900 Skins
* Pepsi 2023 New Logo
* Rock Solid Trucking
* Rooster’s Barn & Grill
* Tony’s Quality Meat
* Westfield Miranda 1992 Diamond Era

All SWR Customs Trucks can no longer be founded as they have Shut Down for a while so skins in this pack are for people who still have the mods and using them..

RTA Mods Skins for the K200 & T908 in this pack are for people who own the Paid Mod Trucks that is your lucky to get them as they very hard to get in contact most of the time..

W990 Edited by Harven can be founded at Steam Workshop

Outlaws W900 Can be founded on his Website

K100 Can be Founded at Steam Workshop

W900 & T680 are SCS Trucks and are founded in game for ATS u will need a Mod edition of the SCS Trucks to work on ETS2..

Australia Worldwide Entertainment you tube channel is my you tube channel where u will find my latest ATS Uploaded videos witch Premiere 1st at 1080p 60fps HD and after updated to 1440p 60fps HD and we livestream ATS on sunday’s with Sunday Night Lightin The Highwayz From 8pm Sydney Australia time with replay’s of the livestream also shown..

Credits: The Godfather\'s Mods Company EST 2021 Australia Worldwide Entertainment You Tube channel EST 2018
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

FS25 Mods

Have you explored the world of American Truck Simulator mods yet? If not, now's the ideal time to dive in. This is your go-to destination to learn everything there is to know! Incorporating American Truck Simulator Mods can significantly enhance your initial gameplay. While the original game is undoubtedly enjoyable, there's always a scope for refinement and added excitement. We think you might appreciate some extra tools, a broader selection of vehicles, and other gameplay elements. Moreover, the game itself offers various mods to address pesky bugs. Essentially, ATS Mods elevate your gaming experience, making it much more engaging. ATS mods empower you to craft a distinct and tailored gaming experience. With a wide array of American Truck Simulator Mods available, you can gradually integrate them into your game, personalizing it to your taste. A major perk is that all ATS Mods are absolutely free, so don’t hesitate to experiment with them—there are no hidden charges. Now, with all the compelling reasons in front of you, it's time to download American Truck Simulator mods and start tailoring your gaming adventure!

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