TrailKing TK360MDG & TK550SWIR 1.50 Mod
Load Order
1) Snapmatic
2) No Damage
3) No Wayoming Patch
4) TK360MDG Decol Open Def
5) Long Distance Camera
6) Trailking TK360MDG v2
- tk360v2 (REQUIRED). This is the MAIN mod. You need this to use the trailer at all. Duh.
- tk360decal (OPTIONAL). Adds extra decal slots. Requires photo editing software capable of editing DDS file extensions. [Location does not matter]
- tk360damage (REQUIRED). Disables damage. Use in conjunction with teleport/free camera. Requires editing profile config SII file to enable. Consult Google. [Location does not matter]
- tk360cam (OPTIONAL). Greatly extends the range of the following FOV camera. [Location does not matter]
- tk360snap (OPTIONAL). Increases range of snapshot camera. [Location does not matter]
- tk360_nowy (CONDITIONAL). This is required ONLY if you do NOT own Wyoming DLC. [Place ABOVE main]
- Variants are selectable in ‘Chassis’ option in dealer. 360MDG and 550SWIR are interchangeable with trailer adjustor.
Tested on 1.49