Livestock Pinga Trailer 1.32 update
Updated version of Pinga’s ( FREEWARE FROM HIS SITE ) Livestock trailer mod from 1.3x to 1.32, 1.33
has 4 different trailers with animated cables from Truck to Trailer
1: 4 axles with lift axle ( has no load ) Thanks to Pinga’s modding skills
2: 3 axles with toolbox and lift axle ( has animated load – COWS )
3: short 2 axles with lift axles ( has animated load – COWS )
4: double short 2 axles with lift axles ( has animated load – COWS ) [ NO trailer cables from dolly to rear trailer ] Thanks to Pinga’s modding
EDITING DONE TO UPDATE TO 1.32, 1.33 Freight Market:
~dds files – top front of trailer shows “Sliver Star” logo ( not pinga ) and rear license plates
~edited company “cargo” asignment
~edited sii.Files
this file is error free
if you have any mod problems ( not showing or crashing ) then you have a mod conflict
If you have any problems with chrome showing black then this will be a graphic setting issue on your end
and you will either have to try setting graphics higher or edit the dds files yourself.
there is a shadow issue with single short trailer, you will see the shadow of the pup trailer that is not there.. Thanks to Pinga’s modding skills
Updated from 1.30 to 1.32, 1.33
Download and unzip SCS.file to mod folder and enjoy