Dunder Mifflin Cargo & Trailer Pack v2.2 Mod
Changelog v2.2
* AI trailer lengths have been adjusted to 45ft and transformed into Dry Van. In addition, 3 of them could also be seen as reefers.
* New skins added: Sabre (for Box only) and Vance Refrigeration (for Sliding Tarp)
* Removed: 2 Vance Refrigeration skins (they were simply ugly)
* Flie size optimisation:
Front body paintings have been replaced with simple colours.
All box trailer rears have been limited to a single image for each skin.
Some useless .sii and .sui files have been removed.
File compression at highest settings.
These products include:
* 3 Hole Paper
* Notepad
* Printing Paper
* Rainbow Card Stock
* Recycled Paper
* Sticker Ream
* Sticky Squares
* Sticky Pads
* White Card Stock
On the other hand, in order to give a diverse aspect to this pack, some notable objects from the series has also been added.
These include:
* Candle – Serenity by Jan
* Dundie Award
* Green Teapot
* Dwight Bobblehead
* Michael Scott Paper Company Paper
* World’s Best Boss Mug
* Refrigerator by Vance Refrigeration
* Beets by Schrute Farms
* Pretzel
* Pyramid (Sabre)
* Printer (Sabre)
* Mini Fridge (Vance Refrigeration)