CB Radio Chatter Mod v2.4.1 (1+ Hour of Real American Truckers Talking CB Radio) Mod
1) Place Mp3 file into (DocumentsAmerican Truck Simulatormusic folder.
2) Lanch Ats then go to your radio then select your music and press play.
4) Adjust your volumes as needed.
Realistic CB radio Audio Mod USA V 2.4.1 The Final Release
UPDATES: v2.4.1
⦁Added 30 + mins of more CB talk now a total of (1+ hour) of CB Talk.
⦁Raised the volumes of selected parts.
⦁Added more downtime between different scenarios and conversations
⦁Added more real life scenarios
⦁Added more casual conversations between drivers.
⦁Added a big radio visiting channel 19 (A Big radio means someone with a powerful radio that can talk to anyone in any state and sometimes even countries)