Krone Trailer Pack v3.0
Redid the Krone Trailer Pack DLC from ETS2 for ATS …
Just want to apologize for the weight of the mod! In this mode, several DLCs are assembled (for correct display) and the texture part of the ETS2 base (for correct display of trailers and their textures)
– Made it so that all the textures were displayed normally, because some of the textures of the trailers were stored in the ets2 database, and not in the add-on database …
– Added a couple of disks so that you can put the tires and the Crone hub …
– Prescribed a double hitch to the states: Oregon, Nevada, Arizona
– Registered painting trailers for traffic to American companies
– Added Krone Boxliner
P.S. Those who perezalivaet mods on their links and uploads to other sites (And I know that there are such here): Please indicate the original download links! I don’t mind that you upload a mod to another site, but at the same time indicate the Author (me) and insert original links! (mine) Otherwise, if I find my mod on other sites, while with another author or links, I will file complaints and demand blocking, both mod and links! We will fight with reloading SO!
Version 3.0 for American Truck Simulator (v1.32.x):
– Boxliner is added to the purchase (It is painted, everything is as it should be!) Until release 1.33, it is not loaded by the containerists, and until I update the pirates (Yes, yes, we have only ETS2 xD) I don’t know if it is loaded at all … If not, then I will make the container as a body and I will load it with curtain cargo.
– Thanks to user alex297299 for finding an error and for helping to solve this error! When installing a mod for standard trailers, some textures disappeared – now fixed!
– Fixed reflective tape on Dryliner
– I couldn’t force Profiliner HD (Flatbed) to load … You can take the load more precisely, but it is not displayed on the trailer! (Who knows how to solve this problem, write in ps, please!)