-This mod greatly improves interiors and exteriors textures and materials for all default trucks;
-Added missing glass in front of dash panels;
-Added missing different animated automatic and manual gear shifters for all vanilla trucks;
-Added animated steering wheel columns for all vanilla trucks;
-Added possibility to select interiors with automatic or with manual gear shifters;
-Added animation for interior light switch for all vanilla trucks\beacon and 4way flasher;
-Added 1800 degree steering wheel rotation animation for all vanilla trucks;
-Added interior working interior lamps for for all vanilla trucks;
-Added possibility to enable/disable onboard GPS;
-Added new animations for integrated navigation displays;
-Added possibility to install Cobra 29LTD cb radio (available with different front panel themes and backlight colors) with animated cord;
-Tweaked interior cameras for increased view angles;
-Added proper dashboard backlight for all trucks;
-Added possibility to choose interiors with MPH or KMH speedometers;
-Added new windshield wipers modes;
-Added compatibility with SISL`s accessories megapack for all vanilla trucks;
-Improved lightmasks for all vanilla trucks;
-Few other small improvements.
Mod was tested on ver. 1.29.x. Not tested with previous versions!
1. It is possible to make your own frontpanel theme for Cobra cb radio. You will need to edit this texture:
2. If you want to use SISL`s accessories mod with this mod, then only install main mod package and do not install SCS Trucks addon for ATS
3. If you plan to use this mod with my physics mod for ATS, then make sure this mod has higher priority, than physics mod;
4. By default steering wheel animation now set to 1800 degrees. To change it to default 900 degrees, simply open def\vehicle\truck\truck_name\interior\animations.sui and animations_auto.sui and change s_wheel1800.pma to s_wheel.pma and then save changes;
5. Interior lamps can be installed by clicking on one of the upgrade “circles” located on the truck roof. Then it must be activated by hitting same button, which assigned to the beacon (O by default).
Changelog for version 1.3.1
-Added missing different animated automatic gear shifters for all vanilla trucks;
-Added animated steering wheel columns for all vanilla trucks;
-Added possibility to select interiors with automatic or with manual gear shifters;
-Added animation for interior light switch for all vanilla trucks\beacon and 4way flasher;
-Added 1800 degree steering wheel rotation animation for all vanilla trucks;
-Added interior working interior lamps for for all vanilla trucks;
-Other small fixes and improvements.