Mexssimap v 0.5 Map
The Project Mexssimap is a mexico map mod for american truck simulator, which expands the base map. The first stage of the project is to build the border between Mexico and USA.
The ubications and names of the farms, mines, truck and car maintenance are not real.
Mexssimap 0.5
– Baja California : Tijuana and Mexicali. Include the Rumorosa Highway.
– Sonora: Heroica Nogales, Cananea, Agua Prieta and Moctezuma
– Chihuahua: Nueva Casas Grandes, Janos and the border between Chihuahua and New Mexico.
1. Download Mexssimap_vxx.scs file
2. Cut and paste the *.scs file into your mod folder directory
Supported versions of the game:
1.29.x + DLC Arizona + DLC New Mexico
– US 50 & CA 99 v 1.9.1 Map
– Background map v2.1 ATS
– MHAPro_map_ATS_1_29_for_ATS_v1.29_x
– Mario Map 1.6.x