Dispatcher For ATS Mod
It has long been known and beloved by many events, replacing the green symbols to activate the animated characters. In addition, this mode adapted to the game American Truck Simulator, it also has undergone minor changes. Maude looks like this:
– On the bases when choosing the goods, as well as difficulty in the selection of discharge you will meet a strict guard and point space for loading / unloading.
– Offloading place is still designated by cones.
– At the entrance to the service station is a bit imposing figure, but if you give him a kick, he is to serve you quickly.
– In the weight is meticulous type and all records in some electronic device. So the data on reloading carefully recorded.
– At the gas station petrol station you will find a queen. True it all the time somewhere in the clouds hovering.
– Entrances to the garage and auto not marked. Drove from memory.
– Events also removes the glowing barriers on closed roads.
Log absolutely clean. Maud performance has no effect.
Test Version 1.0.0