This version has all 3 required files combined into 1 file. There have been additions and fixes. This version is ONLY for 1.50, do not use in 1.49.
Roughly 60 loading/unloading locations updated for 1.50, still more than 100 to do. Nebraska is required as are all SCS state DLC’s,
Changes v8.5
new prefab at Greybull 5/26
new prefab at DVKoch WCliffe 5/26
add new prefab at Cattlemans Dalhart 5/26
add new prefab at Darkness Farms 5/26
add Sidney sale barn 5/26
add Glasgow sale barn 5/26
add Missoula sale barn 5/26
add Lewistown sale barn 5/26
add McAelster sale barn 5/26
add new prefab at Lolo 5/26
add new prefabs at Polson 5/25
add new prefab at Fort Morgan 5/25
new prefab at Doed Construction 5/25
new prefab at Miles City sale barn 5/25
add new prefabs at Chinook 5/25
new prefab at Torgersons CaseIH baby! 5/25
add new prefabs at the 3 Volvo dealers (Missoula, Killeen and Victoria) 5/25
add Hell Creek Pasture pens prefab 5/25
add city of Volborg Montana 5/25
add new prefab at the Bazaar cattle pens (outbound only) 5/24
add new prefabs at Broadus 5/24
add support for Pizzsters 389 yard 5/24
Quality Beef Producers Amarillo prefab added 5/24
add Lamar feedlot prefab 5/24
La Junta and Winter Livestock sale barns new prefabs 5/24
Both East Glacier sites and Troy logging sites have new prefabs 5/24
Heart Butte quarry has new prefab 5/24
New Sineptorro Mountain Brew prefab
add support for 850 Modding trailers
Nebraska 1.50 update
Remove all old prefabs from map
Welker Farms, Hell Creek Ranch and new W Yellowstone locations have new prefabs
Request; New DLC for NE, could you on a future update of your outstanding mod add back Ogallala name and pickup-delivery point, they have a nice town and truck stop along I-80 but dropped the city name. For an addition could you put Nebraska City on the DLC just west of I-29 in Iowa at the intersection of highways 75 and 2 and add 2 to run to Lincoln connecting with I-80, that is a main trucking route for trucks coming from the south heading for I-80 west. Last South Sioux City NE just on east side of Missouri river from Sioux City Iowa is not on new DLC and no mods show Sioux City IA both big meat distribution points. Tyson has one of the worlds largest beef slaughter/fabrication plant located in South Sioux City, NE, a few agriculture pick up delivery points in both of those need added cities would help what is a very empty area on the map in that location also highway 20 needs to be extended to the west to connect with 20 by Norfolk NE. I know this is a lot but just suggestions for you furture updates because you seem to do the best for correcting missing areas in SCS DLC’s. Thank for all you do for the game. A Fan of yours