Mercedes-Benz LPS 1632 truck v1.0
Adapted and registered in ATS.
Truck autonomous, purchased in a / c Kenworth (ATS) from 0-level.
– 1 chassis: 4×2;
– 1 cabin;
– 1 engine, (320 hp);
– 1 checkpoint (5 items)
– The janitors are animated from the outside and from the inside, they have 2 modes and wash rain drops from the windshield.
– Their wheels (3 types of discs, 4 types of tires);
– Its own sound;
– It is painted in standard colors. (metallic paint is not supported).
In the orders of companies is not registered.
There is no advanced hitch with the trailer (disable in the gameplay settings).
No support for cables and hoses.
– Clean game.log.
Installation: Move the file from the downloaded archive to: Documents / American Truck Simulator / mod and connect it to the mod-manager.