ATS – Waking up the sleeping dragon
Two winters ago, as a prize for completing the Christmas Grand Gift Delivery 2016 event, we have rewarded the participants with a time-exclusive content in the form of two pieces of DLC; one for American Truck Simulator and one for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
There was no other way to earn or buy the packs, but as time goes on, we are receiving more and more requests to make our pair of Dragon DLC available for purchase, to make it accessible to new players who have discovered the truck sim phenomenon since then. We have decided to grant this wish, and the two tuning packs are now on Steam Store.
The content of each pack is unique and can be obtained on its own, but we know that there is quite an overlap of ETS2 and ATS player base, so we felt that many people may appreciate a cheaper way to purchase both DLC at the same time. We have created the Dragon Design Bundle with a nice discount to make it possible, so make sure to check it first if this catches your interest.